
Monday, February 25, 2008


Boost Your Immune System Naturally

The main function of the immune system is to protect the body against various infections. It is the most important body component that helps in determining ones state of health. The effectiveness of immune system varies from person to person. In case of weak immune system the person is more susceptible to infections and other health problems. Immune system forms various antibodies that fight against germs. The main components of the immune system are bone marrow, antibodies, cells, lymph nodes, spleen, chemicals, thymus glands and tonsils. There are many foods that interfere with the working of immune system and various nutrients and herbs that enhance the immune system. The two main herbs that are highly beneficial for immunity enhancement are:


It is the richest natural source of vitamin C. It is considered as a versatile and powerful antioxidant that protects the body against all types of cancer, fights against virus that is responsible for causing AIDS and HIV. Amla also helps in lowering the blood pressure. Other than a rich source of vitamin C it is a good dietary source of various minerals and amino acids. It is helpful in raising the total protein level and the body weight. Due to its antibacterial and astringent properties it helps to fight against various infections, thus, making the immune system strong. In Ayurveda it is considered as an acrid, cooling, refrigerant, diuretic, laxative and with anabolic effect. Various other benefits of amla are:

Helps in good iron absorption from the dietary sources.

It increases the protein synthesis that strengthens the body muscles.

Helps in better food absorption making the digestive system strong and balances the stomach acid.

It strengthens the liver and helps in the easy removal of toxins and morbid matter from the body.

It is also responsible for strengthening the hair, nails, bones and teeth. It prevents the premature graying of hair and dandruff.

It provides nourishment to the brain and heart making the nervous system strong and lowering the blood cholesterol.

It is considered best tonic for eyes .

All these benefits make amla a strong immune enhancer

Pure Herbal Amla Supplements at


In Ayurveda the herb ashwagandha is believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-stress, anti-oxidant, rejuvenating, aphrodisiac and immune enhancing properties. It is considered as an adaptogen that stimulates the immune system and improves the memory. It also helps to fight against stress due to its anti-stress properties. It increases the count of white blood cells and prepares the body to produce antigens against various infections and allergies. It is also considered as a tonic for the heart and lungs as its regular intake controls the blood pressure and regulates the heartbeat. It has a strong nourishing and protective effect on the nervous system. Various other benefits of ashwagandha are:

It reduces the inflammation of the joints, eases arthritis and increases the energy level of body.

It is also considered as a sex stimulant for both men and women.

It helps in preventing miscarriages in pregnant women by balancing the hormones that stabilizes the pregnancy.

Its regular use helps in the maintaining the sugar and cholesterol levels.

It is the only herb that supports the immune system of HIV patients.

It has been used in prolonging life, improving overall health, enhancing mental function, increasing fertility and libido, augmenting physical energy, and preventing infections. Thus, acting as an immune booster.


Using Ayurvedic Principles In Your Daily Diet

The ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda believes that what you eat is equally important as what your body does with the food you just ate. This combination and not just the food alone, is what really shapes your health and well-being.

In Ayurveda, each body is unique with unique dietary needs. Your Ayurvedic practitioner will check your body constitution, age, the environment you live in, what is currently causing you to have an imbalance between mind and body. However, there are key Ayurvedic diet principles that are universal and the following are simple ways to integrate the Ayurvedic way of eating into your usual eating habits.

First, it is suggested that you add the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon to a hot cup of water or add lemon zest to your herbal tea. This should be drunk first thing in the morning before breakfast. This warm lemon juice is good for all body types because it aids intestinal cleansing by slowing the growth of disease-causing bacteria in the digestive system. It enhances digestion and helps reduce bloating while stimulating the digestive juices. This juice also helps in elimination so your tummy is naturally flushed clear in the morning. Lemon juice is also an antioxidant that helps fight other disease-causing free radicals in the body while keeping your skin clear.

Second, refrain from drinking cold beverages. According to Ayurveda, having iced or cold drinks especially with or right after a meal will hamper effective digestion. It's like emptying cold water over hot coals-this is what you do to your digestive system when you drink iced beverages with any meal. Instead, choose lukewarm water or fennel tea to help digestion and prevent bloating. You can also drink cumin tea or ginger-mint tea. Warm spiced tea can stimulate digestion and help your body absorb nutrients from the food you are eating. They also flush toxins from your system.

Third, eat slowly and mindfully. Try to present food beautifully. Well-presented food can engage all your other senses that will later aid in digestion. Eating should be a delightful and creative experience, with aromas, colors and flavors blending and coming together for your full enjoyment. Your dining area should be clean and free of clutter. Nothing else but food should be on the table during mealtimes. Try to eat in a peaceful and happy atmosphere as much as you can.

Fourth, eat lunch properly. Most of us skip lunch or just grab a bite because we're too busy. In Ayurveda, lunch is THE most important meal of the day. Mid-day is the time when digestion is at its natural peak for your body to complete the digestion process fully. A heavy meal at night is discouraged because eating a heavy dinner results in a lot of undigested food that gets clogged in your system. It's harder to fall asleep after a heavy dinner. Weight gain can also be inevitable. After eating a full lunch, it is suggested that you take time to relax and sit quietly. This gives your body a chance to digest well before you resume your daily activities.


Knowing Hinduism or Hindu Religion

Hindus are concentrated in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka and these places have been the hot spot of this culture since time immemorial. Unlike other religions, Hinduism does not recognize a single prophet and has multitude of gods and goddesses, mythologically numbering at around 30 millions! Such a figure is given in mythology by people of wisdom who have included all such perceptible forms as things of worship, so that man can see god in them and respect the existence of such all forms (plant, animal, stone, sky, stars, soil, water, rain, fellow human being, etc.

While failing to appreciate such deep meaning of the practices and beliefs, few people from within and outside have started criticizing negatively the Hindu way of life as something of superstition and irrelavancy.The same people have done precious little in appreciating the basic tenets, principles, thoughts, etc. of Hinduism while magnifying the seemingly negative and negative things.

Also, Indian communists never miss an opportunity to point out that the name 'Hindu' or 'Hinduism' is not ancient and that the name has been given by Persian invaders. Yes, it might me true, but the way of life, its culture being followed since thousands of years in India, Nepal and in earlier days, in many other countries surrounding India, does not cease to exist, just because it does not have a indigenous name. For example, though coconut and rice are predominantly grown in south of India, they are mandatory for religious purposes in all parts of the country. Lord Srirama or Sri Krishna, though are believed to hail from the northern India, and are worshipped through out all the three nations.

The Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists, though follow their own religions are still part of the Hindu way of life in that they worship the Hindu gods and goddesses and even name themselves after the Hindu names. Thus the term Hinduism, irrespective of the time and origin, represents the much older native culture and traditions of ancient India, comprising of India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, etc.

Unlike the earlier Islamic invaders, known for violent way of promoting their religion by invading and destroying the local cultures and Christianity which is known for aggressive promotion through missionary activities, Hinduism is never known to have been promoted aggressively or purposively.Hindusim or people of the ancient culture of India have allowed religions like Buddhism to take root in India. In act Buddhism has not been promoted in other countries by Indians who traveled abroad, but it has been taken by those people from other countries who have traveled to India and back to their countries.

Another great aspect of Hinduism is that it has promoted spirituality and recommended restraint in becoming overly materialistic. The knowledge gained by learned people, has been used for general good of the public (such as Ayurveda, Yoga etc). I believe, no other religion or religious literature has such copious mix of spiritualism and knowledge related to daily life applications.

Even many traditional practices, have a scientific background relevant either to the olden times or even the present day. For example cow dung mixed with water is sprinkled in the front yard daily after sweeping and even the mud floors are applied with a dung paste periodically. Sprinkling dung mixed with water is known to be germicidal.

Die hard detractors of Hinduism (read communists of India), should note that the good old traditions cannot be looked with oversight and that Hinduism is not equivalent to casteism alone, which they frequently refer to.

Explaining the Hindu way of life (Dharma)in an article such as this, though may not do justice, it will give insights for further research and understanding the ancient Indian way of life.


Increase Libido

Many people are in search of a solution to increase libido. This is to have a healthy and pleasure filled sexual life. Many companies have introduced several products, which help to increase libido to the levels that match teenage years. Some of these products offer increase in libido within hours.

There are many reasons for the decreased libido. The most common causes for the decrease in libido includes psychological issues, physical conditions such as surgery or illness, pain, and fatigue. For women, the main factors that contribute to decreased libido are pregnancy and aging. The decreased libido in the late reproductive years is associated with a pronounced fluctuation in total testosterone over time. Vaginal dryness, depression, and living with children are other independent risk factors.

According to the Ayurveda, the libido problems are due to sex done by compulsions, without liking, anxiety and stress, consuming spicy, salty and hot food, excessive indulgence in sexual activities, and due to controlling the sexual urges for longer duration. Persons between age group from 21 to 70 can be treated via Vaajikarana to increase libido. Vaajikarana is the treatment adopted in Ayurveda to increase libido. As the name 'Vaaji means a horse, the strength of a man to perform sexual act increases by this therapy. This therapy helps in determining the level of imbalance present in energetic forces of male reproductive system, which in turn helps to take the effective preventive measures.

A good number of natural herbs are available in the market which increase libido. These herbal ingredients help by rejuvenating the energy levels and by stimulating pelvic circulation, resulting in an increased desire. Even though these libido enhancers work efficiently take care in using only a safe one. It is better to consult a physician before using libido enhancers.

By making some changes in daily habit one can increase libido. Reducing weight, eating more nutritious foods, reading sexy novel and finally the belief in ones sensuality can improve low libido. Moderate exercise can also increase libido.


Introduction to Ayurvedic Medicine

If you're familiar with the terms "pitta" and "vata", then chances are you've been acquainted with one of the most ancient medical practices of Asia. Ayurveda (pronounced eye-your-VAY-da) has just began to break through mainstream Western medical consciousness as more and more people have began to look for drug-free and natural remedies to cure their ailments and spirits.

Ayurveda is the natural system of medicine that has been traditionally practiced in India for more than 5,000 years. It is a Sanskrit word that literally translated means "the science of life" and "science of longevity". Ayurveda is the health care system that was slowly and steadily developed by traditional seers and natural scientists through centuries of meditation, observation, discussion and experiments. These Ayurvedic teachings were then orally passed on from teacher to student until the sixth century BC, where detailed Sanskrit texts were finally written. It is said that even the ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Chinese and Tibetan medicine systems are said to be derived from Ayurveda. Because of its rich history and philosophy, this multifarious medical system is still the treatment method of choice even for most of modern India and Southeast Asia.

Ayurveda is a holistic approach that emphasizes prevention of disease rather than its treatment. It has systems that aim for the rejuvenation of our body and the extension of life span. The Ayruvedic tradition believes that five elements -- space, air, fire, water and earth -- make up the world we live in. Each element is found in the human body and called the "dosha". The forces and principles that are found in all of nature are also seen in our human systems. In Ayurveda, our minds (or consciousness) and our bodies are not separate - they are united as one, called the "mind-body". Ayurvedic philosophy and practices reconnect us to ourselves and reminds us that we are one with nature and with the entire cosmos. Mental and physical health are one and the same, so in Ayurveda, symptoms and diseases in the mind (like thoughts and feelings) are just as vital as symptoms and diseases of the body (like pain and physical difficulties). These produce imbalance and illness, so both mind and body are treated simultaneously by restoring their natural balance. In short, to be healed, your whole physical lifestyle must be in sync with what you feel inside.

The Ayurvedic objective is to live a long balanced life that achieves our fullest potentials and expresses our true inner nature by adhering to certain daily practices that prevent disease. However, Ayurvedic treatments do not simply dwell on herbal medications. The system emphasizes the inclusion of meditation, yoga, massage and proper diet. It believes in integrating the mind, body and spirit to maintain good health and long life.

In India, Ayurvedic practitioners undergo state-recognized and institutionalized training, much like Western doctors. Only recently has there been a slow acceptance of Ayurveda in the West with the positive research outcomes of meditative techniques and yoga in Western medical literature. Today, more prominent and published studies have documented the success of the Ayurvedic approach in healing cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, certain cancers, infectious diseases and most stress-induced illnesses.


Want to Look Beautiful in the Natural Way

Our skin faces a constant barrage of chemicals everyday from pollution to harsh chemically formulated products that strip the skin of its natural balance. These simple Ayurvedic home remedies help you to attain a clear, healthy and glowing complexion. Ayurveda mentions many simple natural ways to maintain a healthy and glowing skin. Using these natural ways, one can stay beautiful for a longer period without having to suffer the side effects of the chemicals.

Below are some simple 'secrets' to achieve a naturally beautiful skin.

  • Mix equal quantities of cucumber juice, rose water and lime juice. Wash the face and apply it overnight. Rinse off in the morning. This clears the complexion and keeps it healthy.
  • Take 50 ml. of raw (not boiled) milk and mix a pinch of salt and two teaspoonful of lime juice in it. Use it as a cleansing lotion. It helps to clean the deep pores of skin.
  • Mix equal quantities of lime juice, glycerin and rose water. This lotion if applied to the face regularly at bed time is very useful in removing pimples, blackheads and other stains of the skin. It makes the skin soft, and can also be applied to other parts of the body (hands, feet etc.)
  • Take 50 ml. of tomato juice and mix with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the face. It helps to make the skin soft and glowing.
  • Take equal quantities of turmeric powder and wheat flour and make a paste with sesame oil. Apply it to the face to remove unwanted hair.
  • Apply orange juice to the face for smooth and soft skin.
  • Take 30 ml. of cabbage juice and mix one teaspoon of honey in it. This mixture, if applied regularly to the face, helps to keep the wrinkles away.
  • Make a paste of raw carrots and apply it to the face. Wash it after one hour. The skin will become glowing.
  • Regular application of mint juice to the face helps to remove stains.

Try out some of these simple natural remedies for smooth, clear and radiant complexion.


Mental Disorder and its Natural Herbal Cure

A very common problem now a day is mental disorder. It is a very general term that covers all the problems that are related to our mind. These problems arise when our mind is hit harshly by external and internal problem. These problems are the facts that are consciously or subconsciously not acceptable to our mind. This unwanted feeling of acceptance of the result of the given problem leads to the creation of psychic disease, which is termed as mental disorder. Our bodys mechanism is such that it tries to come in harmony by it self but if the person is not able to come out of the problem that is prevailing, it leads to mental sickness. This results in imbalance in mind; behavior, attitude, reactions, tolerance, manners, actions and outlook or simply we can say the person becomes abnormal in his day-to-day activities. These conditions can involve any person, of any age, either of the two sexes, of any place and of any socioeconomic background. Ayurveda has mentioned lot about mental disorders under the heading UNNMAD.

Now two types of queries might be sticking your mind.
1. How to cure this mental sickness?
2. How to maintain stable state of mind that keeps us away from having these problems?

Answer to your query is only one i.e. AYURVEDA and YOGA Basic principal on which ayurveda was designed was how to maintain a health of a healthy person and how to cure a diseased person. First of all I will mention about some urges which person should adapt of a peaceful living as mentioned in ayurveda. These are called dharniye Vega or the urges that should be adapted in life. These are: - 1. Should not be greedy
2. Should not be afraid of any one
3. Should not be short tempered
4. Should not be jealous on anyones success.
5. Should not speak bad words to any one.
6. Should always be helpful to others.

There are certain herbs that are mentioned in ayurveda, which has wonderful effects in treating mental disorders, and improve brains efficiency.

Some of those are mentioned below

1. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) Commonly known as Indian Pennywort is generally found everywhere in India especially above 4000 ft. of height. This herb is most extensively used in Indian system of medicine as brain tonic and stress reliever. Due to its laghu (light) gunna (property), it is able to affect mind very easily thus giving mind a nourishment to develop. It is considered to be the nerve stimulant that helps in perceiving in better reflexes from brain. It is considered to be a nerve-rejuvenating herb, which has been used by ayurvedic practitioners un reluctantly since ages in any condition in which brain is found affected or in psyche related disorders. Good results have also been found in epilepsy attacks. Its action as non-sedative tranquilizer has made it a drug that can be used in anxiety and hypertension. Whole plant part is used in preparing medicines. Read more about Brahmi http://www.morphemeremedies.com/brahmi.htm

2. Ashwagandha (withania somnifera) commonly called winter cherry is one of the herbs that produce wonderful results in problems caused by vata disorders. Its main function is to maintain the harmony of vata whether it aggravates or become suppressed by effects of other dosha. Because of its ushan virya (hot potency) it acts directly on unstable vata thereby helping vata to remain in stable state. Thereby having good effect on nervous system, circulatory system as well as joint related problems.

Ashwagandha plays major role in suppressing anxiety and hypertension. It has proved very affective in relieving stress and stress related problems. It has given wonderful results in joint pains and arthritic conditions. It has also proven it worth in improving body immunity and bodies overall strength to fight against the disease. It has also been found effective in treating weakness and mental fatigue of the body. Good results in depression and other mental ailments have also been seen. Plant part used is root. Read more about Ashwagandha http://www.morphemeremedies.com/ashwagandha.htm

3. Memocare A rich mixture of herbs likes Brahmi, ashwagandha, mulethi, red chandan and vacha. It blends of most powerful herbs that have time proven results in promoting mental health and fighting against mental ailments. As mentioned earlier ashwagandha and Brahmi has a great efficacy in treating mental disorder along with it memocare contains mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), which is sheet (cold) virya in property helps in improving mental strength and increase mental alertness. It has been rated one of the best medya rasayan as mentioned by charaka in his book charak samhita. Due to its property it has also been found very effective in treating anxiety and hypertension. It has been found effective in curbing depression and mind related problems. It has also been found effective in treating headaches and rheumatoid arthritis. It also possesses properties that lead to development of good quality of sperms. It has been found useful in providing strength to our nervous system and thereby helpful in countering nervous disorder. Being sheet virya in property it finds use in skin related problems.

Plant part used is root. Along with mulethi it also contains Vacha (Acorus calmus) commonly known, as sweet flag is an herb very much in use in India presently by ayurvedic doctors. Its main property is of ushan virya that make is kapha vata suppressor and pitta increaser. Its actions also possess the property of pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. It is generally found in damp climatic condition with the height of 6000 feet. Because of its property it is also known for anti depressant and stress reliever. Moreover it is also consider good as brain tonic. It improves general body condition and helps in marinating normal mental structure. Plant part used is root and lower part of stem.


Approaches to the Treatment of Obesity and A Free Weight Loss Formula

The general approach for treatment of obesity is to suggest a low calorie diet and increased physical activity. Ther are many weight loss programmes in the market. Some over-the-counter wellness products are also very popular these days as they claim to produce the results fast. But many of these products are not researched properly and medical community has expressed doubts about their effectiveness in long term.

Many weight loss programmes are based on low carbohydrate diet although its long term effect is not very much different than that of low calorie carbohydrate rich diet, according to a recent research. Low carbohydrate diet produces ketosis which causes low cholesterol levels and reduced body weight. However, there are differences of opinion in medical community as to whether the low carb diet is safe in long run.

Other systems of medicine like Ayurveda and Homeopathy also have their own approach for treatment of obesity. According to Ayurveda, obesity is recognized as a disease called "Medoroga". Meda means fat and it is one of the seven Dhatu's that are sequentially produced from food in the human body. Obesity is considered as a nutritional disorder mainly produced due to sedentary life style. Ayurveda puts more emphasis on prevention of the disease and adopting a healthy life style. The medicines for the treatment of obesity contain the substance known as Guggulu which is responsibe for reducing weight. Ayurveda uses natural products in the preparation of medicines and these medicines are generally safer than chemical based medicines and drugs. Also, the Ayurvedic medicines have a long history of use and hence, are more reliable.

Homeopathy has its own approach. It treats the patient, not the disease. It takes into account the constitution of a person for treatment of diseases. The constitution is the physical, emotional and intellectual make up of the person. Hence there are no ready made prescriptions for obesity which can produce uniform results. The patient should have enough patience to take Homeopathic medication otherwise no significant results can be produced.

Another approach that can help in curing obesity is that of Yoga. Yoga advocates a healthy life style with its specific techniques to clean the body from toxins and improve emotional and intellectual balance. It covers a broad spectrum of life. Besides physical aspects, it also covers emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of life which are mostly ignored by modern science when treating a patient. Certain types of pranayama (breathing techniques) greatly help in the cure of obesity. Meditation can reduce mental stress which is also a cause for tendency of over-eating.

A person should be kept motivated and focused on the goals in order to implement a particular weight loss programme. Hence behavioral therapy is also popular these days which suggests to set specific goals and have a reward other than food for achieving those goals. Regular recording of weight and activities is also important to track the progress.

An integrated approach is required which can address the issue more appropriately. A good weight loss plan should be based on a synthesis of different approaches for treatment of obesity. A weight loss formula is available at http://www.free-weight-loss-formula.com that incorporates the following steps:



Fighting Obesity - An Ayurvedic Way

Definition of Obesity

Excess amount of body fat is Obesity. Excess weight of muscles, bone, fat and water in the body (like body builders and athletes) is Overweight. Over weighted persons are at increased health risk than normal persons. They are more prone to chronic diseases like heart diseases, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and few types of cancers.

Is fat necessary to our body?

Certain amount of body fat does the following function

1. Heat insulation.

2. Absorption of shock.

3. Storage of energy. Etc.

Ayurveda describes the functions of body fat as

Medaha sneha swedaudhrudatwam pushtim asthyancha This means in normal conditions the body fat keeps the body moisturized, causes sweating, gives energy to body (by storing energy) and nourishes bones. (By protecting them from shock)

Distribution of fat

Women have more body fat than men. In women usually the fat accumulates around hips giving them a pear shape. In men it accumulates around belly giving them an apple shape. The obesity related problems start when fat accumulates around waist.

In ayurveda the distribution of fat is described as follows:

Medastu sarvabhutaanamudarenvasthi thishtathi

Ata evodare vriddhihi prayo medaswino bhavet

Fat gets deposited in and around belly in all living beings. It is also present in bone. Hence when a person becomes obese his stomach bulges out.

And also the characters of an obese person are described as "Medo mamsa ativriddhatvaachalasphigudarastanaha" which means the hips, belly and breasts of an obese person sag and sagged parts flap as that person moves. An obese person will not be active.

Causes of Obesity

When a person consumes more calories than he burns then the excess calories get stored in the form of fat causing obesity.

1. Genetic factorsObesity tends to run in families. If parents are fat then the offspring also show a tendency to accumulate fat. Even the diet and lifestyle habits which are practiced in family also contribute to obesity.

2. Environment. A persons eating habits and the level of physical activities a person has also contribute for excess deposition of fat. When a person eats food containing more calories and has a sedentary work then the calories consumed are more than calories burnt. The excess amount calories are stored as fat.

3. Psychological disturbances.- There is a tendency to over eat in response to negative emotions like boredom, sadness or anger. This leads to obesity.

4. Binge eating disorder.

5. Diseases and conditions like Hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, Depression, and certain neurological problems lead to overeating which in turn leads to accumulation of fat.

6. Medicines such as steroids and some antidepressants may cause weight gain.

Causes of obesity according to Ayurveda

The causes of obesity are very clearly explained in ayurveda. The following reasons which are mentioned in ayurveda increase the deposition of fat.

Avayamadivaaswapnashleshmalaaaharasevinaha | Madhuroannarasaha prayaha snehamedhovivardhati || According to ayurveda the causes of obesity are defined as:

1. Avyayama: Not exerting physically

2. Divaswapna: Sleeping in afternoon.

3. Shleshmala Ahara Vihara: The diet and life styles which increase Kapha

4. Madhura Annaha: Consuming sweetened foods.

Health risks due to Obesity

Obesity leads to the following problems.

1. Type-2 diabetes

2. Heart disease.

3. High Blood pressure.

4. Stroke

5. Few types of Cancers

6. Gall stones

7. Liver diseases

8. Osteo arthritis.

9. Gout

10. Infertility

11. Irregular menstruation in women.

According to Ayurveda the obese persons are more prone to the following diseases.

1. Diabetes.

2. Kidney related problems.

3. Hepatitis.

4. Low libido.

5. Low energy levels.

6. Skin problems.

7. Fistula

8. Piles.

9. Filariasis . etc

Tips to reduce Obesity

1. Determine with the help of your physician how much weight has to be reduced.

2. Set several short term realistic goals .

3. Reward yourself each time you make progress (Not food items)

4. Even small weight losses have shown to be beneficial.

5. Make gradual changes in eating habits.

6. You will lose weight when you burn more calories than you consume. Hence eating less and being more active help in losing weight.

7. Sound eating habits keep you out of putting on weight.

8. Stay motivated to lose weight.

9. Slow weight loss is the safest and most effective. ( one to one and half pound per week).

10. Gradual weight loss, promote long term loss of body fat.

11. A person who is moderately active needs daily, 33 calories per kg of body weight to maintain his weight .

12. Reducing calories intake by 300 per day and increasing the physical activity to burn 200 calories per day results in weight loss of 400 Gms per week.

13. To satisfy basic nutritional needs eat a variety of foods every day. Choose from each of the five food groups milk, meat, fruit, vegetable and cereals. Balanced food plans encourage making wise choices about everyday food choices. This type of diet helps to stay at your proper weight for life.

14. Allow for an occasional treat.

15. Evaluate your eating pattern.

16. Try to cut down on foods high in fats and sugar.

17. Most successful weight loss plans stress on reduction in both calories and the amount of fat eaten

Physical activity:

1. Determine the type of physical activity that suits your life style.

2. Regular aerobic exercise like brisk walking, jogging or swimming, is a key factor in achieving permanent weight loss and improving health

3. Health experts recommend exercising 30 minutes or more on all, days of the week for maximum benefits. The exercises should be moderately vigorous to be most effective but not exhausting.

4. Incorporate few simple measures to burn calories effectively. Like- taking an after dinner walk, using stairs instead of escalators or elevators, parking the car farther away to have a longer walk etc.

5. Exercises also improve sense of well being ,decreases stress and decreases appetite in some.

Ayurvedic tips to reduce Obesity

Numerous tips to reduce obesity have been mentioned in ayurveda. The following ayurvedic tips help you to reduce the obesity.

1. Very good exercises. Exercises like brisk walking, jogging, playing out door games etc help to reduce weight.

2. Physical and mental exertion. Exerting physically like doing house hold works, walking to distant places to bring groceries, vegetables etc, walking long distances to bring the child back from school, walking to working place, climbing stairs etc are types of physical exertion. Exerting physically as much as you can help to burn more calories. Mental exertion like worrying or involving in finding solutions to problems also restrict food consumption in some and there by reduces the intake of calories.

3. Having sex frequently is also a good physical exertion.

4. Consumption of honey. This is advisable for non diabetic patients. Consuming 2 tea spoon of honey with a glass of herbal tea which includes weight reducing herbs help a lot in weight reduction. Honey along with these herbs scrapes and dissolves the Kapha and medha (body fat).

5. Sleeping for less hours. Avoiding sleeping in afternoons help to increase the burning of calories. This avoids slowing of basal metabolic rate.

6. Avoiding the food and beverages which increase kapha and medha. The foods which increase kapha and medha are sweets, sweetened drinks, large quantities of carbohydrates and oily food.

7. Consuming wheat products than rice products help to reduce obesity.

8. Using Green gram and horse gram help in reduction of kapha and medha.


Scientific and Astrological Significance of Rudraksh


There are different conceptions regarding Rudrakshas in Shiv Puran and other Pauranic scriptures but one thing is upheld in all of these that:-


SHIV UVACH : - For one thousand divine years I kept closed my eyes then tear drops fell from my eyes.


Those drops of tear which fell from my eyes gave birth to the tree of Maharudraksh on my command for the benefit of all.


There are different views on how many types of Rudrakshas can be found because at some places there are references of 32-faced Rudraksh. Therefore it is believed that 32-faced Rudrakshas were found in Satyuga whereas in Kaliyuga only 14-faced Rudrakshas can be found. Occasionally 18-faced Rudrakshas are also found.


In the same manner, sometimes Gaurishankar and Gomukh Rudrakshas are also found by someone who may be fortunate enough.

Gaurishankar Rudraksh is a kind of twin Rudraksh joined together like two bananas are sometimes joined together but are found somewhat rarely. These are known as Gaurishankar Rudraksh.


O Goddess! Gaurishankar and Gomukh Rudrakshas are born by divine coincidence in some trees and found by some fortunate person.


There are many names of Rudraksh like:- 1. Rudraksh 2. Shivaksh 3. Neelkanthaksh 4. Haraksh 5. Bhutanashan 6. Shivpriya 7. Paavan 8. Sharvaksh. Rudraksh is also known by the name of Shivbindu.

Today Rudraksh is only worn on head, in neck etc. and it is made worshippable but it is put to no other use. Rudraksh is Aml, Ushna, Vataghna and Kaphanashak. It saves one from evil spirits and planetary malefic influences.

In Ayurveda it is said that if the paste of bead of Rudraksh is applied on boils it can cure it. Therefore Rudraksh works on septic.

In jaundice and other such diseases related to the Pitta Dosha in Ayurveda if seeds of papaya are worn with the beads of Rudraksh then it can cure the ailment.

Five Mukhi Rudraksh is useful in controlling high blood pressure and heart diseases.

Rudraksh is not only to be worn but it has great significance in Ayurveda also.


Usually Rudrakshas naturally occur in 4 different colours : -

1. White (Shweta Varna) Rudraksh 2. Crimson red (Rakta Varna) Rudraksh 3. Mixed Colour (Mishrita Varna) Rudraksh 4. Black (Krishna Varna) Rudraksh.

Even though sometimes Rudrakshas of other colours are also found but these are the main 4 colours in which Rudrakshas are found in nature.


Usually Rudraksh Rosary (Mala) of 108 or 54 beads are used and Rudraksh Rosary is especially to be used for chanting of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra.

By wearing 5-faced Rudraksh bead in a red thread high blood pressure can be cured whereas 1-faced Rudraksh should be worn in the neck or should be kept at the place of worship or should be kept in the locker.

Rudraksh can also be used in combinations like two beads of 6-faced Rudraksh and one bead of 4-faced Rudraksh are worn in a combination in a red thread by a student it gives improvement in education.

Even one bead of Rudraksh if worn can give improvement in health, education and wealth.


Purification of Rudraksh is of as much significance as is the purification of gemstones. At Astrological Research Centre (ARC) we have experimented and observed a number of times that Rudraksh works only when it is original and is purified with the help of correct mantra otherwise there is no such difference between a Rudraksh on tree or a Rudraksh worn by someone. On the other hand, we also tried to purify Rudrakshas but we found that different mantras should be used for purifying different faceted Rudrakshas. (which we will describe in our future articles related to Rudraksh).


Today Rudraksh is viewed like if someone will wear a Rudraksh he will become a great devotee of Lord Shiva and will be freed of all the sufferings.

We found at Astrocent that whereas Rudraksh can be used as a medicine in Ayurveda it is merely made a worship item and even duplicate Rudrakshas are available in the market nowadays and the genuine Rudraksh produced in a year of 365 days makes up for only 15 day stock of the market. Therefore, to make up for the rest of 350-day stocks duplicate Rudraksh is being sold in the market.

There are a number of different views regarding the purification of Rudrakshas as well. But we have found in our experience that to purify a Rudraksh in the morning of the bright half Monday the Rudraksh should be purified with its specific corresponding mantra in keeping with the different faceted Rudrakshas and then worn.

There is a great need for pursuing research on Rudrakshas.


Usually it is thought that Rudrakshas are beneficial for everyone but at astrocent we found in our experiments that everyone cannot wear Rudrakshas. They have also to be tried first like gemstones and then worn. Because when we tried Rudraksh on different people we found that sometimes some Rudrakshas did not suit some people. And when we tried different faceted Rudrakshas on those (whom Rudrakshas did not suit) we found that none of the Rudrakshas suit them.

Therefore we found in our research at astrocent that Rudrakshas also did not suit everyone.

HOW ARE RUDRAKSHAS RELATED TO PLANETS : - Rudrakshas are also thought to be related with planets as we have also found at astrocent.

One Mukhi Rudraksh neutralizes the influence of the Sun and helps in leadership and on the other hand is also useful in increasing wealth and reducing the losses from enemies.

In the same manner, Two Faced Rudraksh neutralizes the malefic influences of the Moon (which we will discuss in our future articles). Therefore, at astrocent we have tried to assess the significance of Rudraksh in our original research.


The one who wears the Rudraksh should not drink liquor or eat flesh etc. and also should not use garlic and onion and also at the time of sexual intercourse it should be kept aside. But even then if someone of these activities is undertaken by mistake while wearing a Rudraksh then it should be purified again with pure water and then again worn.


Where by wearing Rudraksh the malefic influence of planets can be reduced it can also be used as a medicine in Ayurveda. On the other hand, we have also researched at astrocent that although Rudraksh usually should suit everyone but still it need not necessarily suit everyone. Whereas the white, Crimson red, Mixed and Black colours of Rudraksh are also related to the caste of a person in which if a person wears a Rudraksh corresponding to his or her caste it should be more fruitful instead of the Rudraksh corresponding to a different caste.


Sunday, February 24, 2008


Infomercials and Direct Response -

Infomercials changed the way advertisers sell things on television. Previously, product manufacturers merely presented their wares on TV in the most attractive manner they could come up with. They planted ideas, sought to change habits or to create them where none existed. They expanded market share subtly with one common unifying factor – you watched the commercial and if you liked what you saw you went to the store or the showroom and bought it. From now on television would be different. Infomercials and direct response marketing was born. Now if you liked what you saw, thought it was just the right product, idea or concept for you, you picked up the phone, called the number on your screen and ordered what you wanted direct from the manufacturer.

It’s hard to imagine in today’s internet world with overnight deliveries and instantly downloads, but for the very first time you could order something off your TV set without even getting up from your favorite chair. It was unbelievable, magical, and very successful. Almost overnight phone banks sprang up all over the country as the call volume, once numbering in the thousands, surged into the millions. Like Internet domain names today, 800 numbers became a vanity item – the most popular ones disappearing as fast as they became available. Previously only used in magazine advertisements or mail order brochures, the phone business became a very big business with the success of infomercials.

To begin with, infomercials and direct response TV selling give a manufacturer an immediate tool to measure whether or not his product, his pricing and even his approach is working. Previously, manufacturers had to create their product, get it into stores where it would be available for purchase on a nationwide basis and then and only then, launch a costly nationwide advertising campaign on popular TV shows. After that, they would wait a minimum of 90 days, sending out squads of sales personnel or making hundreds of phone calls to find out if their product was selling. If it wasn’t it was back to the drawing board to try to figure out what went wrong and then perhaps try it again maybe next year.

With infomercials and direct response, there was now a way to measure the success or failure of any project in a matter of hours and at a fraction of the cost. If a manufacturer had his own phone bank, he could conceivably sit there after his infomercials were airing around the country and literally count the orders coming in. And almost immediately, he would have an idea if his project was working. This leveled the playing field for new product launches and led to the creation of hundreds of new products each and every year launched and tested as infomercials before ever hitting a retail outlet.




The Importance of Personal Background Checks -

The purpose of personal background checks is to get a feel for the applicant’s character. Personal and professional references are a good starting point, however, experts in the investigative field caution employers on using this method solely. Prospective employees are obviously going to give references of people whom they trust will provide a good character reference for them. Those references may not necessarily be fabricating information regarding the applicant; they simply may not know pertinent information about him or her.

Another method employer’s use is obtaining a credit report on the prospective employee. While privacy advocates argue the necessity in reviewing credit reports, many employers find them to be full of important information. An employer can determine what types of credit accounts the applicant has open and their history of paying bills on time. For some employers, this is a good indicator of how responsible of an employee he or she will be. Employers also may draw a correlation between credit history, job performance and employee retention. Though these conclusions are heatedly debated, according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, employers do have the right to investigate much of a person’s credit history as a pre-employment tool.

Credit reports also contain pertinent job and address information. Some employers and private investigation firms use credit reports as a means of cross-referencing information supplied on the employment application. Though credit reports contain much needed personal information, they should be used in conjunction with other personal background check methods in order to have a well-rounded view of the applicant’s character and ability to perform the job duties.

This type of consumer report also contains information that may be valuable, although legally questionable, to the employer. Age and marital status are data that are often reported. Employers should already be familiar with privacy and equal opportunity legislation and be careful not to discriminate on the basis of these facts. The purpose of performing personal background checks is to ensure the safety and security of the company and violating Federal laws is out of the question.

Identity theft, criminal prosecutions, outstanding debt and bankruptcies are all examples of information that can be acquired through a personal background check. As an employer, it is your responsibility to only gather what information you need; information gathered should be directly related to the safety and quality of the company and more specifically, the job performed. For example, if a company needs to hire a receptionist, it might not be necessary to know whether or not he or she has filed bankruptcy recently. Other than using that as a tool to judge character, some information gathered through personal background checks may not be relevant to the position.

If an employer should require a more extensive background check, things such as who someone has dated, use of alcohol or drugs or personal lifestyle can also be obtained. Usually when a firm investigates a person’s background, they may interview neighbors, friends, associated, former co-workers and others to gain a picture of the person as a whole. Some of the information may be of interest to the employer and some may be irrelevant. It is important when hiring an investigator, to let them know specific information you are looking for.

When investigating a prospective employee’s background, it is vitally important to be honest about your intentions. Federal law requires employers to provide separate consent forms for each type of investigation to be conducted; it is also good business practice to be forthcoming about these matters. Background checks on employee’s can save companies money by avoiding potential lawsuits, theft, and costly employee retention. It is usually best to outsource the work to a private firm, if the information is very detailed. For some employers, searching at the local or state level is much more cost-effective and may produce the results they need without outsourcing.




Investing the Profits from Your Home Based Business

Having made the bold and glorious decision to sack the boss and go it alone you are one of the few who have what it takes to succeed. You have an entrepreneurial spirit and a strong will and these are rare and valuable attributes that will guide you throughout your professional and personal life.

Now that your business is up and running and you’re profiting from your efforts, it’s time to turn your attentions to investing the profits from your home based business wisely and for maximum gain.

One of the most consistently returning asset classes over the long term and the one that the majority of us can profit from is real estate.

Understanding market cycles

Now, you’re most likely aware that property markets are cyclical – this is because there is a direct correlation between the underlying price of real estate in relation to individual buying power. Simply explained: when property prices rise above what first time buyers can afford to pay the market slows down, stagnates and sometimes readjusts – but as soon as purchasing power increases again, either with a drop in interest rates or an increase in GDP, so property prices begin rising again.

And there are even ways to make money from real estate during a market downturn!

Investing in real estate for income

Depending on the nature of your home based business your monthly income may be slightly erratic – some months being better than others! If you invest in property assets in a buy-to-let or even jet-to-let capacity you can secure yourself a consistent monthly income which may afford you an added degree of financial security.

Buy-to-let is when you purchase property for rental purposes – this make be an apartment you corporate let, it could be a house you student let or even a family home you rent out long term.

Jet-to-let is similar but it involves purchasing overseas property for short term weekly or fortnightly rental to tourists. This type of letting is usually very lucrative indeed during peak holiday periods but may mean you have a property that is empty for a few months out of season.

Both types of property investment return you a regular income and at the same time the physical real estate asset will grow in value over the long term and if ever you wish to release the profits from your investment you can sell on the property and take the gains you have accrued.

Investing in real estate for profit

The alternative to building up a property portfolio for income generation purposes is purchasing property and selling it on relatively quickly to realize the gains the asset has accrued.

You can do this in a number of ways…firstly you can purchase run down property in need of renovation, tidy up the property and turn it into a home before selling it on at a higher price and reaping the profits gained.

Alternatively you could seek to beat the curve by buying into up and coming areas, waiting for prices to boom and then selling on for profit. This is quite a risky strategy for a first time investor as timing the market is hard!

An alternative to this is looking overseas for the latest emerging property markets worldwide and buying properties to renovate or properties off plan and then flipping them on for maximum gains in the short term.

Financing your investment

As a self-employed individual it can be tricky to get a mortgage unless you have audited accounts, bank references etc., etc. If you don’t have all of these requisite documents there are other options available to you.

The main options are re-mortgaging your primary residence and releasing the equity that you have accrued already for reinvestment in another property project or taking out a self-certification mortgage where you make a large down payment and basically tell the lender how much you can afford to borrow!

A winning attitude

You’ve already proved you have what it takes to succeed against the odds by establishing a profitable home based business, now apply the same steely determination to your real estate investments and you will succeed in making the maximum gains. Start small, begin gently, test the market and your understanding of it and slowly build up a profitable real estate portfolio from the profits of your home based business for maximum financial gain.

Good luck in achieving your goals.




Is it Just Me, or are People Getting Ruder?

I’ve been wondering this for a while and have been dying to ask my business colleagues and friends. But whenever I’m get ready to pop the question, I manage to convince myself that it’s silly, reveals my cynical nature (or advance years!) and is probably just a figment of my jaded imagination… certainly not worthy of intelligent discussion.

The question, however, continued to reside nervously on the tip of my tongue, eager to fly out (particularly just after leaving my apparently mute colleague a fourth voice mail message). But it wasn’t until I read Keith Ferrazzi’s masterful book, “Never Eat Alone” that I summoned the courage to thunderously and openly inquire, “Are people, particularly those in business, much ruder than they use to be?”

And… “Have we become so numb to it that we actually expect - and worst yet, accept it as normal and okay?”

I think yes. I hope I’m wrong.

Let me, however, step back a bit… Why did Ferrazzi’s book serve as my catalyst?

The short answer is that it’s just plain good. It is a brilliantly written book – simple without being simplistic – in the same league as Dale Carnegie’s classic “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” And in an age when everyone seems to be a marketing, internet or personal motivation coach it’s refreshing to read something so balanced and genuinely inspired. Most importantly, however, Ferrazzi reminds us that we’re not in this alone - people make business happen!

He reiterates what some of us already know. We’re all better off – emotionally, financially, and physically – when we take the time to build thoughtful, intimate (not in the “biblical” sense :>) and sincere relationships with others. Ferrazzi says that while our personal styles and levels of openness should be adjusted as appropriate, making strong human connections is essential to our well being. I couldn’t agree more! This is, after all, what it’s all about – and long overdue advice. Thanks, Keith!

But then it occurred to me. How can you develop relationships with people when they don’t call, email, or show up – even when they’ve promised to do so?!

And I’m not referring about those little, unintentional slip-ups that happen to all of us occasionally - like when you’ve forgotten your Aunt Hilda’s birthday; or waited until the last minute to send in your wedding RSVP; or failed to send a thank-you note.

No, what I’m talking about is far more baffling and egregious. I’m referring to the friends who call you one day before your big dinner party and reiterate how much they’re looking forward to seeing you - and then don’t show up – no explanation, no call, no nothing.

Or how about that real estate agent who promises to get back to you with a price no later than 2 pm, and you never hear from them again?

And what about that old friend or colleague who can’t wait to have lunch with you next Thursday and then doesn’t return your confirmation calls or emails?

Then there’s my favorite… you’ve killed yourself to help someone get something “urgent” done (usually a boss or co-worker) and even managed to save the day… You email “the document” before the deadline, sure that the recipient will be relieved and grateful. But you never find out. No “thank you”. No “way to go”. No nothing.

Or is it just me? Maybe so…

I was raised in a home where we were taught to treat everyone with the same amount of respect and kindness. Period. Behavior that didn’t measure up to this standard was not tolerated. We learned that the true measure of someone’s character rested in their commitment to do the right thing - even when they didn’t have to.

For example, whenever I leave a hotel room, I wipe off the counters; gather my towels together in one convenient spot; turn off the television, lights and air conditioning; return the iron to the closet; and make sure that all my scraps of paper are where they belong – in the trash can.

Why? Because it’s just the right thing to do (and my mother would probably rise up out of her grave and kick my butt if I didn’t :>). Yes, hotels employ a cleaning staff who “are paid” to clean up after me, but why should they? It’s my mess. I was responsible for making it, so I am responsible for cleaning it up – even if I don’t have to.

I have adopted my parents’ code and although I sometimes fail, I continually strive to measure up to those standards.

But what does this look like in the “real world”? It means you… 1. Return calls… even if it’s only to say “no”

2. Honor your commitments… if you tell someone you’re going to do something, you do it. If you absolutely cannot, you let them know beforehand.

3. When you’re asked to RSVP, you do so

4. Say “thank you” and “please”… to strangers, friends, family members, waiters and waitresses, taxi drivers, colleagues, children, teenagers… everyone.

5. Call when you’re going to be late

6. Return emails (unless it’s spam)

7. Welcome people into your home… do your best to make them feel comfortable and important

8. Clean up after yourself

9. Value other people’s privacy

10. Honor your parents

11. Respect elders

12. Chew gum quietly

13. Say “excuse me” when you burp

14. Open doors for others

15. Allow someone with only two items to move ahead of you in the grocery line

16. Respect other cultures, religions, ethnicities and the like.

17. Don’t push in front of someone… even if you’re in a car

18. Share your things

19. Don’t act like a pig… even if it’s at an All-You-Can-Eat buffet

20. Don’t brag

21. Never litter

Are these rules a thing of the past? PassĂ© in today’s fast-paced culture? Old fashioned? Silly? Or am I just imagining things?

But if I’m not… why? Are we overloaded, overbooked and over committed? Has it become too easy to make excuses? Have we been forced into a “every-man-for-himself” mindset? Did our parents and teachers fail us?

Or is it that we just don’t care because they’re not important. What do you think?




Make Money Fast With No Investment-how Andrew Made $100,000 In 6 Months

Andrew Newberry is a distant family friend that knew about my business acumen. He knew how I had been in his position only 24 months previously and had heard about the new life I was leading with the wealth I had generated. I could hear the earnest desperation in his voice, when he asked me "how'd you do it Jack"? His question was open and sincere. In my eye's he was at a point where there was only one direction for his life to go...up.

Andrew needed to make money fast. His family were in danger of losing the roof over their heads and although Andrew worked a fulltime job, there were difficulties that created this current crisis.

He couldn't understand how I had done so much considering my humble beginings, while he had worked at his current job for over 10 years and was saddled with the difficulties he was currently experiencing. He told me he had no money to invest or anything like that, but could I advise him on what if anything was possible.

This was my response to him.

You see, what he was asking me specifically was, "how do I make money with little or no investment" My mind ignored his emotional pain and focused on the reality. That is the reality of what he needed answering.

Talking about Real Estate investment or anything that needed a capital injection was futile for Andrew, he needed to hear something different. This is what I told him to do, step by step. I told him that if he followed these two steps, he would have $100,000 within 12 months. He did it in 6!

Step one, get a little money. Not much needed, a few hundred dollars would do, but he has to find something as a seed capital account. I gave him the URL of a broker that does paid surveys online. These brokers represent companies that pay ordinary people for their opinions. They typically pay between $50-$300 per hour. He got his wife busy doing these through the day and evenings, they had $1000 within 2 weeks.

Step two, Go Shopping I explained to Andrew the mechanism behind my success. Compounding, intrinsic value, leverage, rapid capital gains, pyramiding profits. I then asked him to compound that thousand dollars by 30% 19 times. In other words, I told him to find 19 investment-objects that were for sale that he could buy, that had at least 30% or more spare intrinsic value.

Intrinsic value is everywhere. Whether you are buying New York sky scrapers of marble pool tables or Bertram boats, every market has a percentage of sellers offering their goods at well below market value.

Andrew started with old cars because he was a mechanic and now he had a game plan he was going to compound his money with his existing skill set. He traded up and up until he had $12,000 in six weeks.

Get your calculator out and see how he did it, how he evolved his money without a hitch. Start with 1000 then multiply by "1.3" which is the same as 30% Don't press equals, just hit "1.3" and multiply symbol again. Do that 19 times.

When Andrew sold his last auto deal, he was ready to get involved in Real Estate. With $12,000 it wasn't much but it was enough to start applying the same principles with Real Estate. This is where his compounding really escalated.

It escalated, because now he was using leverage....borrowed money. He called me on the day he was ready to start compounding with Real Estate with another problem. As I advised him "get into Real Estate Andrew as quickly as you can, around the $10,000 mark its time to get into that game"

He had a problem. The houses in his area were dear, he couldnt see how having $12,000 was enough to get involved.

I advised him that he should forget about houses until he had at least $40,000 He should focus on raw land. Raw blocks are cheap, and easily re-zoned into a higher purpose. With just a small investment at the local town planning department he could re-zone a residential into a commercial or the other way around where appropriate. Its called a "soft" or "paper" rennovation. No painting, no work, just a few simple forms and a fee to pay.

Creating a new use is just one way to add value to raw land, there are many others. Andrew researched and discovered them all. He stuck with land after all was said and done. He discovered buying a large block and subdividing it was very profitable. The second deal he did, he bought a block of over an acre, surrounded by established homes for $300,000 (with a bank loan) It was a corner block and he split it into three handsome sized blocks, tailored to the upper market. The first two blocks paid out his loan and put profits in his pocket, the last block he used as collateral for another bank loan where he built his own beautiful mansion on.

He sold it for a final profit of $354,000

That was about 8 months after our little chat on that cold evening.

To your health and rapid success.




Make Money With No Investment -Starting From Scratch

In the begining it's a tentative situation. Your first few deals are small potatoes. To make money with no investment is not entirley accurate. Everyone has access to something. Some small amount that will be allocated for wealth building. I think back to when I was starting from scratch and at the time my cynical attitude made it painful, but looking back I remember the experience fondly.

It's challenging to make money with no investment capital but when you are starting from scratch you have nothing to lose. With your back to the wall, you can go forward confidently in the knowledge that you literally have little to lose.

Curiously, all great wealth once began from scratch. To make money with no investment capital is exactly the situation you need to be in if you want to succeed and get that first million under your belt.

You see, it's not how much you started with that counts. It's not how much you have made that counts. What matters is the system. HOW you do it. If that is based on sound principles then you will never fear poverty again.

I could make money with no investment capital if you dropped me in any free City on the planet. I guarantee you within a few months I'd be living well (providing I spoke the language).

Starting from scratch, the first thing I would do is find a market. No money, but I have my self. I can offer a service. As soon as I make a few hundred dollars saved, I would begin applying the principles of opportunity investment. I would trade up and up until I had borrowing capacity.

I would use the leverage that borrowing allows me to manufacture obscene compounding returns in real estate and large ticket items like used trucks and yachts. I would work until I was comfortable, then start spending on myself.

You are in a better situation than my scenario. You have friends, contacts, and knowledge of your town. You have experiences and intimate perceptions of the existing markets in your home town. All you need is the knowledge to make it happen.

To make money from scratch with no investment capital is easy. Don't be fooled into thinking your situation is hopeless. You need knowledge, tools, and skills. It's time you took a real shot at your first million, believe me the second and third will be easy.

"The pain of discipline is less then the pain of regret" -- Martin Thomas

Copyright2005 Opportunity Investor.com




MLM Success Training - Golden Rule For Prospecting Strangers

Cruising around the MLM playground (Online MLM Forums), the question of “How do you prospect strangers into your MLM Business?” popped up. And I knew if this fellow Network Marketer was struggling with this question, then several others probably are having the same dilemma as well.

So here it is.

When you’re building your MLM Business there is 1 Golden Rule to follow when it comes to prospecting strangers and it’s simply:

Just Don’t Do It!

That’s right! You NEVER want to prospect strangers to build your MLM Business. Now I know some people may not agree with me, so here are 3 “Prime” reasons why you don’t want to prospect strangers as a way to build your MLM Business.

Reason #1 - Strangers Are Not Your Target Market.

Believe it or not, but unfortunately more than half the population isn’t “wired” to be in business for themselves. Your goal is to find people with a “track record” of success. These are the only kinds of people you need to help build your business, not strangers (any ‘ol Joe Schmo you see walking down the street).

If that’s your plan then you might as well whip out the phone book and start dialing. And let’s see how many No’s, not interested’s and don’t call me again’s you get before you finish the page. It’s simply because “strangers” is not the target market you should be going after to build a successful home business.

Reason #2 - It’s Too Ineffective.

Prospecting strangers is a big waste of time, energy and patience. Just think about it, would someone like Donald Trump say “Hey, I have this great business opportunity that’ll help any self motivated and dedicated individual make a handsome residual income each month –let’s kick things off by showing it to people walking on the street!” Of course not! So why should you?

It’s at least 10x more effective to target a group of people who “already” possess positive character traits and good business skills that’ll help you take your business to the next level.

Reason #3 - It’s Just Not Worth It

Prospecting strangers isn’t worth the hassle (time, energy, sweat, blood, tears and not to mention the headaches). Prospecting these types of people for your business WILL take a lot out of you. (Just thinking about it, makes me cringe). Facing rejection from the wrong kinds of people is one of the main “killers” for many new home business owners. Don’t let it happen to you, or anyone in your organization. Don’t prospect strangers.

Remember; don’t try to prospect everyone for your business because unfortunately not everyone is ideally suited to be in business for themselves. It’s sad, but true. So in order to find the right people for your MLM Business simply focus on a target market. Look for people with a track record of success and possess good business skills.

Some great examples of this are real estate agents, store owners, small business owners, franchise owners and even other Network Markets (they almost always keep their options open). Simply put, focus your energy on target markets rather than every ‘ol Joe Schmo who comes within 3 feet of you, it’s proven to work 10x better than prospecting everyday strangers.




Mona Lisa Your Branding

Have you mistakenly trained your branding to fall over and play dead? Do you know how to use psychology to create branding that lights up with the voltage of a thousand neon bulbs? And can you play Scrooge with your budget, yet get huge branding mileage? And if so, how? Read on and find out how you can be a Leonardo Da Vinci with your brand!

It’s Raining 3000+ Messages a Day!
I have a friend. Let’s call him Eugene. Partly because that’s his real name. Eugene positions himself as a pitch manager. Very effectively, he shows CEOs and executives (who make pitches for new and existing business) how they can use simple steps to get a powerful presentation across.

Eugene had a problem that all of us do. His brand (or his company’s brand) was just one of three thousand new messages that bamboozle us every day through various media. To get his name welded in his customer’s brain was like being on a rocking chair. You feel the movement, but you go nowhere. Eugene’s brand was going places, but it was a slow tedious process.

He needed to get some prime real estate in his customer’s brain really quickly and without the benefit of Daddy Warbucks’ deep pockets. All he had to do was get their attention…

13 Boxes. Does That Get Your Attention?
Doesn’t your brain go nuts wanting to ask what is the significance of 13 boxes? That’s the new brand name of Eugene’s company. Can you see that immediately catching your attention? The brain is dying to know the significance of this strange sounding set of words. And it won’t let go till it gets an answer!

In this case the answer is simple. Eugene has a system of 13 boxes in his training process that takes you from the start of your presentation to the final crescendo. The 13 boxes form the structure and the route you must follow to get results.

His company brand could be something like XYZ Training or have his own name (like accountants and law firms do) but why on earth would that excite his customer’s brain?

Another Branding Example called KeyGhost...
Here’s another example of vivid psychological branding called KeyGhost. KeyGhost is a powerful but simplistic device that monitors every keystroke on your keyboard. This spy-like product evades the scrutiny of the unobservant eye. A name like KeyGhost immediately ruffles the brain forcing it to stop what it’s doing. Then it drives all its attention in the direction of this unusual sounding product.

This is exactly what you need. Once you’ve got a spotlight-hogging brand name, you start to own a tiny part of your customer’s brain that is yours to keep forever.

Forever Starts With a Trigger…
A trigger called Curiosity! Curiosity sounds a deafening red alert in every neuron of the brain. The brain is at its curious best when faced with something that seems irregular or uncommon in some way.

If your brand name doesn’t create a curiosity factor, you’re wasting gobs of money to just trying to cut through the communication clutter. The sooner you get psychological exclamation marks into your brand name, the sooner you get the attention you crave for.

But What If You Have a Boring Company Name That You’re Stuck With?
Hey it happens! You inherited the brand name and there’s not much you can do with it without the shareholders going for your jugular. Well don’t fret. First you’ve got to realise that branding is not restricted to just your company name. A process/product that your company has or follows could become bigger than the company itself.

Look For The Power Of Your Processes…
With Eugene, his process was sitting under his nose all along. In the case of 13 Boxes, it’s quite easy to draw up a dramatic scenario of how 13 boxes can get you out of your ‘box’ and give you immense confidence in your presentation skills. In his case, though, the process actually defined the company.

With KeyGhost, it’s a cinch to describe how the hardware works just like a ghost and yet link it back to your keyboard and computer.

You can be an accounting firm with a company name like “Boring, Dead and Co.” and still brand your prize-winning process and call it ‘Goodbye Extra Tax’ or ‘Corporate Loopholes.’

Do you think your clients will see you in a better light? You bet they will! So get going, get out and get working on your brand naming canvas right away!

Nonsensical Names Work Too…
One Red Dog, The Loaded Hog and other such names flout the basic principles of process and logic. Yet they seem to work powerful imagery on the brand name. It’s the story that goes with it that creates a sense of immortality and distinctiveness around the brand.

Even if you choose to have a name that means very little and can drum up a story to match it, you’ve got yourself a winner. Which place would you rather frequent? 'One Red Dog' or 'Joe’s CafĂ©?' With a vivid name you’ve got the opportunity to weave a story -- even a story that you made up all by yourself!

Shazaam! It’s Branding With Drama!
Don’t just Mona Lisa your brand. Put some Shakespeare in it as well. Push the limits of your brand name and make it an action tool. For example, 13 boxes could be presented as 13 different boxes placed on a CEO’s desk. Can you visualise the curiosity factor? What if the boxes were different shapes and different colours? Can you see the website name? The t-shirt design? The ad on TV? Can you see how extendable a picturesque brand name can be?

Go ahead; make the effort to Mona Lisa your brand name.

You’ll make Leonardo really proud of you!

